As the name suggests, white hat hackers are ethical computer experts who use their skills to make the world a safer place by reporting weaknesses in software or applications. White hat hackers do their work legally and ethically, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t vulnerable to hackers who don’t play by the rules, in fact, white hat hackers are also vulnerable to attacks from black hat hackers who steal their private information and threaten them into keeping quiet about any security flaws they uncover. When it comes to cyber security, white hat hackers really are the good guys.
What You Will Find
ToggleWhat is a white hat hacker?

What do White Hats do?
Unlike black hat hackers, white hat hackers do not intend to cause damage or steal data from a network. They use their skills for good and help companies strengthen their cyber security so that they can avoid breaches from becoming reality. This is white hat hacker are the good guys. So how does one become a white hat hacker? The most important thing to know is that you must have an ethical background in order to work as a white hat hacker. You also need some essential knowledge on cyber security, such as application exploits and vulnerability analysis.
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How can you become one?
The safest, most efficient way to become a white hat hacker is to enroll in a four-year degree program that teaches IT security and ethical hacking. This can be as simple as a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering from an accredited school. Some schools even offer programs specifically in cyber security. If you’re already employed in an IT job, consider earning certifications from groups like (ISC)2, CompTIA, or EC-Council. Certifications prove your competency in specific areas, making it easier for employers to trust you with sensitive data. Once you have your certification(s), start applying for jobs at companies that need someone with your skillset. Many companies will train their own employees, but they also need people who can help them test their networks and create new defenses against hackers. Be ready to work hard: it’ll take time before you find a company willing to hire you full-time, but if your skills are up to par and you show initiative by volunteering for freelance work, it won’t take long before someone gives you a chance!
Recommended: What are the Skills Required to Become an Ethical Hacker?

Are there other types of hackers?
What? You thought there were only good guys and bad guys in cyber security? Now we know that why white hat hackers are good guys but there’s actually a lot more going on in cyber security than that, because like all fields, it has its own lingo and quirks. For example, you might be surprised to learn that there are black hat hackers who work for your company—and white hat hackers who work against your company. Wait a minute…that sounds a little counterintuitive. How can anyone who works for your company be considered an enemy? That’s where things get complicated. The term black hat hacker refers to someone who is hacking into systems with malicious intent (such as stealing data or damaging infrastructure). A white hat hacker, on the other hand, is someone who is hacking into systems with permission from management or IT (in order to identify vulnerabilities). It may seem confusing at first, but once you understand what makes each type of hacker different from one another, it becomes easier to see why these terms exist. As we mentioned above, any kind of activity performed by an employee within a business can be considered hacking; so just think about how many different types of hackers there could potentially be in your organization!

Is it legal to hack someone else’s site?
Hacking is a bit like art in that it can be used for good or evil. When done for malicious purposes, hacking is referred to as black hat hacking. To find out if you can legally hack someone else’s site, we’re going to have to define what hacking means and go over some laws pertaining to computer crimes. So here we go: first, let’s define what exactly hacking means. Let’s break it down: – Hacking: taking apart a machine or network in order to figure out how it works and/or make changes for personal gain. – Cracking: breaking into a system or network with malicious intent. This type of hacking is illegal under US law because it violates the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). The CFAA makes it illegal to knowingly cause[]… damage without authorization to a protected computer system; damage includes impairing the integrity or availability of data, a program, a system, or information. Violating these terms could result in fines up to $250,000 and imprisonment up to 10 years—and that’s just for starters.
White hat vs Black hat hackers?
A white hat hacker is good guy in cybersecurity who is a computer security expert who legally and ethically breaks into systems to help identify security risks in order to fix them, while avoiding detection by system administrators. A black hat hacker breaks into systems or networks with malicious intent, such as personal gain or sabotage. In other words, a white hat hacker only means to benefit companies by exposing vulnerabilities that need fixing, whereas a black hat hacker wants only personal gain at another’s expense. What do you think? Are all hackers bad? Or do you think there’s room for both good and bad? Leave your thoughts in a comment below!
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